Are you looking for an AAC script for your site? You might want to check out OTSCMS - here is only shortcut of it's huge list of features.
Database support
OTSCMS is the only one AAC script that supports 3 major SQL engines that OTServ runs on: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. It only doesn't support ODBC, but it's only matter of binding PDO driver if you want to make it on your own and of course we have it in our plans to include this driver too.
From the very first release this script was developed for pure SVN OTServ. It is kept completly compatible with pure SVN (it means official OTServ) so it should run fine with all OTServs (unless given distribution authors didn't break OTServ compatibility).
Account management
Included account manager is very advanced and provides everything you need - random account number, creating multiple characters in one account, password recovering and more.
Forum, guilds, statiscs...
This script is complete combain for websites. It include wide range of content-based and community-based features. First of all it contains well-known character search which includes all necessary data about character. It also contains full guild system! You can create guild, manage ranks, invite people. There is also unique option to request guild membership instead of waiting for invitation.
OTSCMS contains also full statistics viewer including experience statistics, magic, skills and also census. There is also forum! You don't need to install any additional scripts to have forum for your OTServ. Forum from OTSCMS includes basic features like sub-forums, BBCode, profiles and it's all bundled with script and connected with OTServ database - for example users on forum are OTServ players.
Library module contains automatic spells and monsters listings and detailed view. You can also write custom guides using advanced WYSIWYG editor on-site!
POT - PHP OTServ Toolkit
Heart of OTSCMS is POT - PHP OTServ Toolkit. This is official PHP toolkit for OTServ. OTSCMS is always released with latest available stable version of this toolkit. It means that if you will ever find any script that is written using POT, it will also run in OTSCMS. Also in case of any further OTServ changes you won't need to wait for new OTSCMS release - all you will need to do is to update POT library files and you will have new features supported!
Administration panel
For all those options there is administration panel which allows easy data edition and system configuration. It also provides account and players management so you can easily ban, unban, block or edit accounts and players via website, for example you can move player from one account to another, change it's group or change account's password.
Installation of OTSCMS used to be very difficult. Many users decided to stop trying install it as it was too hard for them. For some time there is new installation script bundled with it which can for example read all required data from config.lua file which you can upload from your computer! It can also create default GameMaster account if you don't have one.
External modules
You can also extend your script using additional modules. OTSCMS is written only for basic SVN, there are also some technical limitations which makes it impossible to implement some features for everyone. You can check official modules like Houses, which requires additional features in your system. You can also for example buy paid modules like PACC. You can also create own modules or download someone other's extensions. Installation of modules in OTSCMS is usualy just copying files so you won't have to mess with code.