Why we call it "the most advanced AAC script"? Well, just take a look at our historical scores :>.


Our was created three years ago. Maybe not everyone remember those days and it can be hard to believe, but then was only one AAC script - very small script with only two files with simple form on website where you type character name and account number and thats all. One can say that he/she saw many scripts from those days - might be true, but those are all same files with usualy just different HTML layout.

OTSCMS was the very... second AAC script ever published! And it had many of it's current features then already including extended account management options, character search, forum, statistics and administration panel (there were some single scripts for statistcs for example but noone created AAC script with such options). For the very long time it was the only one script with such features!

XML era

Those days there wasn't even SQL in OTServ. Everything was handled in XML files, even players and accounts. In that time OTSCMS was also very extened - it had multilanguage support, skins support and installation script. OTSCMS had also very unique feature - it was able to use FTP for XML files! It could have been installed on remote hosts and only account and player files was then transfered over the Internet.

Also there was additional Houses module available for OTSCMS. It provided complete houses listings, bidding auctions and even generated topography images of houses! It was the very first houses auctions system for OTServ!

SQL era

No, OTSCMS wasn't the first one script that supported SQL :P. Primer written the first one. But he didn't develope his script later and for a long time OTSCMS was the only one that supported MySQL database. But OTSCMS was the first AAC script to support SQLite database.

It is also currently the only available script that supports PostgreSQL database!


OTSCMS project includes many additional features, for example there used to be OTSCMS Statistics website which allowed many OTServs to publish server statistics on one place (will be back soon hopefuly). It includes such features like server online status checking, IP bannishments or mass spawn changer.

Current stage

Currently we are working on more unique features like OTAdmin client, improving PACC selling mechanism and more.